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Advanced Girls 15 to 20 years / Boys 17 to 21 years

We have now reached the business end of this phase where a career choice has to be made and players "Train to Compete" and "Train to Win".


First we will have a look at the path players should follow while training to compete.


Not only should these players compete in local u/18 tournaments, but also school events as well as club championships. This player has started specializing and will spend more hours on court although mental sessions should become part of the training sessions.


1. 2nd Serve
2. Greater net coverage
3. Increased court coverage
4. Offensive defence shots: Running lob, running pass, stretch volley etc.



1. Co-ordination and dexterity
2. Development of speed
3. Development of strength
4. Development of stamina
5. Development of speed endurance
6. Development of flexibility



1. Develop individual game style and intensions in all 5 game situations
2. Attack when possible
3. Anticipation from cues of the opponent
4. Counter attack on wide balls
7. Play on the rise



1. Very specific goal setting
2. Develop competitive spirit
3. Further develop, concentration, motivation, control of thoughts and emotional control


The ratio of Tennis Competition vs Tennis Training should be 50/50 TO 70/30.


Make no mistake - this is where many players fail to step up their game and compete at a high level due to the hard work and commitment that is required to be able to stay in the game.

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