Strength and Conditioning
Strength and conditioning involves working on and providing specific sessions aiming at improving performance from a physiological point of view. Aspects and key points addressed in the Strength and Conditioning sessions are listed below with a brief description:
Speed and agility training: Speed and agility are key components needed for players to get themselves into the best position possible during a match in order to execute their skill more accurately and consistently. Improving speed as well agility can be achieved by using short sprints, cone runs and quick change of direction exercises.
Conditioning: Exercises such as on court specific movements; hand eye coordination, reaction speed and footwork are done to improve the overall performance of players. Power exercises are also included to develop and increase the explosive power of players.
Injury prevention: The core of any training program should start with injury prevention. The training given makes way for exercises like core strengthening and stabilisation, activation of glutes, overall strengthening of the body, flexibility as well as correct technique to prevent the player from obtaining injuries. Warm ups and cool-downs are often overlooked but they are also vital in attempting to prevent injury.
Fitness: Aerobic exercises are given to improve the overall fitness of learners. These exercises are planned in detail and according to the fitness level needed for the player. Tests like the bleep test and yo-yo intermittent test can be used to assess each player’s level of fitness and to monitor their progress..
FUN: Fun and enjoyment are important aspects at any level of competition. A variety of exercises are included especially for learners of a young age to keep the training fun at all times and to prevent monotony.